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Left Hand Turn Accident Lawyer Los Angeles


Some of the most common accidents occurred on the Los Angeles roadway is the Left-hand turn accident. When a motor vehicle is making a left-hand turn it might misjudge the distance or speed of oncoming vehicles, or fail to see smaller vehicles such as motorcycles altogether. Consequently, a car making a left-hand turn must yield to oncoming traffic in many cases, and will be at fault for accidents. Exceptionally, in the event the left turner has the right-of-way, the driver might not be at fault.


California Law Regarding Left-Hand Turns


Based on the California Vehicle Code 2180:  “The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left, or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or the U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.”


Illegal Left-Hand Turns in Los Angeles


If the driver has the right-of-way, the vehicle making a left-hand turn must yield to other vehicles. Therefore, if the driver is making the turn he or she will bear liability for the accident. If you are making a left-hand turn on just a green light (not a green arrow), the driver making the turn must wait until there are no oncoming vehicles in the opposite lane. Speeding out in front of an oncoming vehicle is a risk that could result in the driver’s fault for a collision.


It is not acceptable for a driver to initiate a left-hand turn on a green light to cut off oncoming traffic. This is an illegal left-hand turn that would come down to the driver’s liability for an accident. Left-hand turners must also yield to crossing bicyclists and pedestrians. Striking someone in the crosswalk while making a left-hand turn will come down to the driver’s liability, unless the driver had a green arrow and the bicyclist or pedestrian ran into the crosswalk illegally, and without the chance for the driver to stop in time.


Legal Left-Hand Turns and Liability


There are liabilities that might not come down to the driver making a left-hand turn if that driver had the right-of-way to make the turn. An example can be if a driver has a green left turn arrow, but another driver runs the red light and crashes into the car making the left-hand turn, the driver that ran the red light would be liable. Furthermore, if another driver is guilty of any negligence, such as texting and driving or rolling through a stop sign, the driver initiating the left-hand turn might not be at fault. Liability depends on the right-of-way, the duties of each driver, and what a “reasonable and prudent” driver would have done in the same situation.


Whether a car had the right to make a left-hand turn or not, another driver could be at fault if he or she was negligent or reckless. For example, if the motor vehicle driver is going straight and was driving significantly over the speed limit, it makes it difficult for the turning driver to accurately gauge whether or not it was safe to cross. Unexpected circumstances do occur if an left-turn driver swerves or stops while executing the turn that can result in the fault of someone other than the driver.


What is the Cause of a Left-Hand Turn Accident


These are the common causes of why Left-hand turn accident happens:


  • Speeding. The other driver was speeding so fast he or she wasn’t there when the turn was initiated.

  • Violating Law. The other driver broke a law by blowing through a red light or stop sign.

  • Driving Under the Influence. The other driver was intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.

  • Distraction. The other driver was driving while texting, finding lost object while driving or otherwise distracted.

  • Lack of Verification. The other driver did not have a valid driver’s license or insurance at the time of accident.

  • Unexpected Circumstances. Something unexpected occurred while making the turn to unintentionally slow the turning vehicle.

  • Yielding. You had a green turn arrow and the other driver failed to yield your right of way.


Comparative Liability in the State of California


Alternatively, California operates on the basis of Comparative Liability, which is decided by a judge. For example, if it was determined that you were 20% at fault due to your speed or another factor, a $12,000 settlement would be reduced by 20% so you receive $10,000 of the total amount awarded. The other driver who was 80% at fault is entitled to a settlement if desired, but the award will be reduced 80% due to liability.


Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer


A Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer can help inspect the incident and determine fault, helping injured victims seek damages from the correct party or parties. An attorney can review the case, hire expert witnesses to testify, and take other steps to prove one or more parties’ fault for a left-hand turn accident. In California, more than one party can share fault for an accident. Even if the left-hand turner was partially to blame, he or she might still be eligible for partial recovery. Call for a FREE CONSULTATION at 1-424-256-9055.


We Fight To Recover Your Remedies


Based on the specifications of your case - the details of the accident, how severe your injury was, it is ultimately going to determine what you could be entitled to sustain based on your case. However, what you can be compensated for if your case prevails can often be put into several different categories.


The categories of compensation can include:


Medical bills: Should you win your case, you could be awarded compensation for medical bills you’ve had to pay as a result of your injury. This includes both past and future bills stemming from the injury, and can potentially cover expenses such as transport or in-home rehabilitation services.


Lost wages: Lost wages can be awarded if your injury has caused significant missed time at work, or has made you unable to perform your job. You could be entitled to even more lost wages if the injury leaves you permanently disabled and unable to find consistent work.


Pain and suffering: In some cases, the damages endured from physical pain and emotional suffering can be compensated to pay for therapy treatments.


Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded in more extreme cases, wherein the injury was caused by someone’s recklessness. They are awarded to try and dissuade the defendant and others from acting with that level of recklessness again.

No Recovery. No Pay.


Contact a Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Accident lawyer in Los Angeles to schedule a free, no obligation initial case evaluation at 1-424-256-9055. Our Left Hand Turn Accident will help protect your rights. And remember, You Don’t Pay until You Win, or You Don’t Pay At All!


Lawyer Referral Service


If you are in a need a Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Accident lawyer to help you get appropriate compensation and medical care you deserve, you should contact an auto accident lawyer today. Our experienced auto accident lawyers in Los Angeles will help you overcome your Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Accident injury or damage.


If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Legal Leaf.

Legal Leaf is a Lawyer Referral that can provide you with a Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney or law firm.

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