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Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Attorney


As individuals living in the United State we have the right to freedom of our thoughts, conscience, and even religion. We also have the right to have your own beliefs, and this right is protected under our Constitution. However, since there are many organized religions all over the world, some people tend to endure to become prejudice against those who practice a different religion than they do—which then can lead to discrimination. Religious discrimination is when you are treated differently or poorly because of your religious affiliation, beliefs, or association with an individual of a particular religion. Employment laws forbid discrimination based on religion, which means that if you are discriminated against at work on account of your religious beliefs, practices, or affiliations, then you have a right to seek damages for pain and suffering and other losses against your employer.


Laws Governing Religious Discrimination


According to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, every employee and those who are applying for employment should not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of their religious affiliation or affairs. Hence, if you are not given the same chance to apply for a job position, are given lesser benefits, or have been treated poorly at work on account of your religion or beliefs, then you need to protect yourself against harassment and ill-treatment by your employer. Furthermore, the California Workplace Religious Freedom Act of 2012 (WRFA) amended the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and went into effect as of January 1, 2013. WRFA prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion or religious creed, and it requires employers to accommodate employees’ religious practices and observances in the workplace, including religious dress and grooming practices.


The WRFA is more protective than federal law. California law protects workers of nearly all belief structures as long as beliefs are “sincerely held” by the worker. Unless your religious belief or practice causes an “undue burden/hardship” or segregation from customers, it is likely protected under the FEHA.


Discrimination against Your Beliefs is Illegal


There are different ways by which you can be discriminated against on account of your religion (or lack thereof). You are being discriminated against if you are singled out or ridiculed for no other reason than the fact that you are part of a different sect or denomination, or if you hold a different belief system. This includes any unequal treatment you may have experienced in terms of task assignment, hiring, firing, promotions, training, fringe benefits, and more. You may also be discriminated against if you are prevented from practicing religious traditions or practices. The law requires employers to provide religious accommodations (as long as it does not create an undue hardship on the employer or the business) for employees. Some accommodations include dress code exceptions, special break schedules, or task re-assignment in the event that the task is against the employee’s religious beliefs.


Even if you are of the same religious belief as your employer but you mingle with individuals of other marginalized denominations in your place of work and your employer also treats you differently on account of your affiliation or tolerance with them, then you are also discriminated against.


Under the California Fair Employment & Housing Act, it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee because of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age or sexual orientation. It is also unlawful to discriminate against an employee because of her pregnancy. Despite these provisions, employers sometimes use subversive means to enact discriminatory policies while appearing innocent.


What to Do in Case of Religious Harassment Claims?


Due to the fact that there is different ethnicity and nationalities working in the United States, ideals and races can have the tendency to sometimes clash. However, these differences should not result in the harassment or poor treatment of marginalized employees.


In California, as of any other state in the US, any form of discrimination is prohibited, including discrimination based on religion. Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Baha’i, Buddhists, or any person of any belief system should never experience discrimination in the workplace. If you are not being given fair treatment or the benefits you deserve, then you are being discriminated against by your employer.


Types of Religious Discrimination in the Workplace


Examples of religious discrimination in the workplace can be direct or indirect. As with all forms of employment discrimination, religious discrimination can take place in both overt and subtle ways. These discrimination can include:


  • Offensive jokes and slurs, teasing, offhand comments, it can be considered harassment (which is illegal if based on a characteristic such as gender, race, or religion) once it begins to create a hostile work environment for the receiver.

  • If you’re being singled out, ridiculed, or even harassed at work because of your religious beliefs, like when you are made fun of or bullied in plain view of your co-workers.

  • Scheduling important or job-sensitive meetings during prayer times or religious observances

  • Making fun of employees or telling them they are violating the company’s dress code because they wear religious clothing such as yarmulkes, turbans, or hijabs (head scarves)

  • Repeatedly mocking a person because of his or her strong Christian beliefs

  • Ridiculing a Muslim employee for refusing pork at a company picnic

  • Making efforts repeatedly to “save the soul” of a fellow employee who is an atheist

  • Requiring an employee to work on his Sunday Sabbath, even though other employees are willing to trade shifts with him

  • Forcing an employee to remove her hijab (scarf) to comply with the company’s dress code even though other employees wear baseball caps on the job

  • Not allowing employees to display religious icons or other expressions of religious belief in their work spaces, although employees are allowed to display other types of personal items

  • Refusing to hire an employee because he or she observes a Saturday Sabbath

  • Firing an employee after he or she misses work to observe a religious holiday

  • Promoting an employee only if she is willing to attend church regularly

  • Transferring an employee to a position with less public contact because they wear religious clothing

  • Not giving an employee a raise until he stops discussing religious beliefs with other employees during free time such as breaks or lunch

  • If your employer prevents you from practicing religious observances & holidays without due cause, this can also be considered discrimination.

  • Punishing or retaliating against an employee for not participating in a religious activity

  • Denial of union membership

  • Forcing an employee to participate in a religious activity


On the other hand, there are also covert acts of religious discrimination that are perpetrated by your employer. If your employer is civil towards you at work, but you know that you are not being given the same labor law benefits and you are being bypassed for promotion in contrast to other employees with the same religious beliefs as your employer, then you are covertly or discreetly being discriminated against due to your religious beliefs.


Seek Legal Help from Employment and Labor Law Attorneys


Many victims do not want to file cases or claims against their employers due to their fear of paying high legal fees. They also fear that they will be retaliated against by the employer or even jeopardize their opportunities for future employment. However, religious discrimination should never be allowed in the workplace, and if you are being treated unfairly by your employer, then you have a right to get the justice you deserve. Nobody should have to experience workplace harassment or general discrimination based on religion—it can create a lot of emotional distress, plus it can result in reduced income or missed job opportunities.


Free Consultation


When hiring a Religious Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles it’s important to find an aggressive attorney that is skilled to negotiate on your behalf.   Let us connect you with one who has a proven track record of success – and who will work for you on a contingency basis so that you pay nothing unless you win. We’re here for you 24/7, 365 days a year. Remember, You Don't Pay, Until you Win, or you Don’t Pay at All!


Call now for your free initial consultation today at 1-424-256-9055. We can also assist you with Spanish.


Damages Endured After Employment Lawsuit


Courts award damages for practices that adversely impact “terms, conditions, or privileges” of employment (TCP). An employee who wins a discrimination case can receive the following civil damages:


  • Compensation for any unfair employment practices and money lost by those practices

  • Attorney’s fees and other litigation-related expenses

  • Future earnings or reinstatement of the employee’s position

  • Emotional pain and suffering

  • Punitive damages for gross cases of discrimination

You Don’t Pay Until You Win.


Contact a Los Angeles Discrimination Termination Lawyer to schedule a free, no obligation initial case evaluation at 1-424-256-9055. Our  Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles will help protect your rights. And remember, You Don’t Pay until You Win, or You Don’t Pay At All!


Lawyer Referral Service Los Angeles


If you are in a need a Beverly Hills Religious Discrimination Lawyer to help you get appropriate compensation and medical care you deserve, you should contact a Religious Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles today. Our experienced Religious Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles will help you overcome your Religious Discrimination Injury or damage.


If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Legal Leaf. Legal Leaf is a Lawyer Referral that can provide you with a Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Attorney or law firm. If you do have any questions about Religious Discrimination attorney in Los Angeles area please contacts us for a free Lawyer Referral to a Los Angeles Lawyer.


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