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Unsafe Illegal Lane Change Accident Attorney


An Unsafe lane changes on California highways and surface streets are some of the most common causes of auto accident.  According to recent research conducted it was estimated that unsafe lane changes has accounted for 10,000 accidents on our roads.  If you or your loved one have been involved in an accident due to negligent lane changes by another motorists, truck driver, commercial vehicle, or motorcycle driver contact our experienced personal injury lawyers today at 1-424-256-9055 for FREE initiation consultation.


Causes of unsafe lane changes include:


  • Not Using turn signals when making a lane change

  • Making a lane change in an intersection, red light, stop sign or other traffic lights

  • Making a lane change at a high speed.


Some of the most common injuries endured resulting from lane change accidents are as the following mentioned below:


  • Facial Fractures

  • Broken and Fractured Burns

  • Brain Hemorrhage

  • Internal Hemorrhage: Internal organ failure

  • Brain Damage:  Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Scrapes Cuts and bruising

  • Facial Lacerations

  • Burn Injuries


If you have suffered any of the above injuries contact a trained medical professional immediately.  Afterwards, if you required experienced legal representation contact our personal injury law offices.


What Steps That You Should Be Taking After a Highway or Surface Street lane Change Accident


  1. Safety. It is imperative to make sure you and those around you are safe.   The safety of you and your loved ones is by far most important priority. If you or another person is injured immediately seek medical attention.

  2. Communication. It is vital not to attempt to communicate with the other driver or motorcyclists regarding fault or apologies.  Any words that may have said can be used against you when you are seeking compensation for the damages you endured.

  3. Police. Contacting the local police department is very important in order to create paper trails of reports for the trucking, motorcycle, or car accident.  If you have a experienced personal injury attorney it is vital to contact him or her to assist you with the process.

  4. Obtain Information. If in the event you are not injured and it is safe to do so ask the other driver for their, driver’s license, truck registration information, contact information, and insurance documentation. 

  5. Take Pictures & Video. Pictures, Video, and VC are imperative to take down information for your case.  If you have a high resolution camera phone ask the person if it is ok to take pictures of the documents you have asked for, in addition, to pictures and videos of the accident occurred. Take Pictures and take notes as much as possible of all the damage to your vehicle, as well as the street lights, street address.

  6. Build Witnesses. It is important to communicate to witnesses that encountered the event of accident. If there are witnesses who can testify on your behalf asked them for their contact information.

  7. Be Cautious. Always be careful who you talk to after a car accident. Always be weary of insurance adjusters as they can use what you have said against you and any chances of just compensation for your accident claim. Always speak to a trusted attorney to speak on your behalf of the insurance company.


Who’s at Fault in Unsafe Lane Change Accidents


In many cases scenario, it is always the party making the lane change will be at fault for the car accident.  Even when a lane change is absolutely necessary in order to avoid an accident, that driver will still be liable for your damages.  The bigger issue for your lawyer will be proving that fault.  In addition to utilizing all possible evidence at our disposal, we understand that proving your case requires the use of expert testimony, accident reconstructions, and advanced methods in proving your case.


We Fight To Recover Your Remedies


Based on the specifications of your case - the details of the accident, how severe your injury was, it is ultimately going to determine what you could be entitled to sustain based on your case. However, what you can be compensated for if your case prevails can often be put into several different categories.


The categories of compensation can include:


Medical bills: Should you win your case, you could be awarded compensation for medical bills you’ve had to pay as a result of your injury. This includes both past and future bills stemming from the injury, and can potentially cover expenses such as transport or in-home rehabilitation services.


Lost wages: Lost wages can be awarded if your injury has caused significant missed time at work, or has made you unable to perform your job. You could be entitled to even more lost wages if the injury leaves you permanently disabled and unable to find consistent work.


Pain and suffering: In some cases, the damages endured from physical pain and emotional suffering can be compensated to pay for therapy treatments.


Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded in more extreme cases, wherein the injury was caused by someone’s recklessness. They are awarded to try and dissuade the defendant and others from acting with that level of recklessness again.


You Don’t Pay Until You Win.


Contact a Los Angeles Unsafe Lane Change Accident lawyer to schedule a free, no obligation initial case evaluation at 1-424-256-9055. Our Unsafe Lane Change Accident will help protect your rights. And remember, You Don’t Pay until You Win, or You Don’t Pay At All!


Lawyer Referral Service


If you are in a need a Los Angeles Unsafe Lane Change Accident lawyer to help you get appropriate compensation and medical care you deserve, you should contact an auto accident lawyer today. Our experienced personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles will help you overcome your Los Angeles Unsafe Lane Change Accident injury or damage.


If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Legal Leaf. Legal Leaf is a Lawyer Referral that can provide you with a Los Angeles Unsafe Lane Change Accident Attorney or law firm. If you do have any questions about a texting attorney in Los Angeles area please contacts us for a free Lawyer Referral to a Los Angeles Lawyer.


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